
Monday, 3 October 2011

Tamaki's Rugby World Cup!

Tamaki's Rugby World Cup!

Wow! All dressed up in countries,face paint splattering everywhere, everyone at Tamaki Intermediate was just oh so nervous as it was Friday 9th of September 2011 and also the opening ceremony for Tamaki's Rugby World Cup. Every student at our school was dressed up in different clothes for the supporting of the Rugby World Cup. It was going to be a day filled with laughter, competing, and dont forget fun!

The bell to finish morning tea had rung, and everyone rushed to their classes just to get ready for the opening ceremony. It was classes competing against each other for the title of "Tamaki's Rugby World Cup 2011 winners". All classes each represented different countries. Room 3 were representing New Zealand, so we were the hosts. Their were other countries such as Australia, South Africa, France, Tonga and ofcourse, the Flying Fijians.

All classes had rushed to the netball courts just in front of the hall, holding up our great big flags loud and proud. It was a beautiful and sunny day, perfect weather for the day that was just about to start. Room 3 had been called into the hall first as we were the host. Just as we stepped in, our very own national anthem had come on and just then, I had felt like a proud kiwi.

Next up were the Australians, then the South Africans, then France, Tonga, and last but not least the Fijians. At first Mike, our host welcomed us all and then had begun talking about the past Rugby world cups and who had won! Just to start of our games, Mike had placed a balloon on a tee and had asked one of our students, Lika to hold it for him. Lika was so colourful, all dressed up in red and white, he looked like one of the vans in Otahuhu. There was a countdown for Mike to kick the ball 5..4..3..2..1 !

It was time to go outside because our games were about to start. First up was a game called Chip and Chase. You had to chip the ball and then chase it. The first team to be seated wins. There were many other games such as the powerful scrum, the challenging Daniel Carter challenge where you had to kick the ball and another person had to catch it. Nobody could, except for Ina and Chae, representers for South Africa.

My favourite was the chant. The chant was for every class to perform an item or song and they get scored on it. Room 3 Kiwis did the Haka. Vea and Lika started them of. Other classes sang songs except for room 7 who were the Fijians. They had performed a Fijian Haka. Their one was pretty awesome but I think room 3's were the best.

Finally, it was time to tally up the scores. Everyone was nervous and you could tell on peoples faces that they really wanted to win. At last the judges had walked up. The winners for Tamaki's Rugby World Cup 2011 is.......South Africa!
Apparently our place was second with France, Australia third, Fiji was fourth and Tonga last.

Friday the 9th of September was a really fun day and I think we should have another day just like this but maybe add more games because there were only a few that we played except same weather, it was nice and sunny. I felt very tired and also proud that we came second but we still tried our best and even though we came second, we will always be winners to us.


  1. wow Tatiana your writing really meant alot to me.i wish i was there to encourage my team to win which is Tonga.i was really excited at first to read your writing by the way you have written you title.Tamaki Intermediate must've been really proud to have there own rugby world cup held at their school!well done!I hope to read some more informative writings.

  2. Hey Tatiana,
    Your recount is awesome, i especially love the way you pause before telling us who won, it adds a touch of suspense!
    keep up the good work!
    Mrs Soutar


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