
Thursday, 6 December 2012


Getting our netbooks this year was a huge success. Since all of our students were receiving netbooks, it was going to be a big part of our learning.  I was in the year seven extension class last year and we had received our netbooks at the end of 2011 so we were quite familiar with them and I was so happy to get it again.
We had used the netbooks mostly for writing, reading and inquiry. It was a big milestone to our learning.  Everyone’s eyes were glued to the netbooks because we were so obsessed with them that we didn’t want to go off. The only thing was that we couldn’t take our netbooks home like the other schools did. We could only take them home at the end of the year when they were fully paid for by our caregivers.
The netbooks were a great help because we all individually received one and I could just keep all my documents and files to myself. It was also a great help because we didn’t have to bother the teachers by going to them every now and then to check our work or go to the ICT suite. Instead we could just share our documents with our teachers on Google docs.
Although we received our netbooks this year and had the chance to go on them every now and then, I still wish that we could’ve used them more for all of our learning. Getting our netbooks was a wonderful experience and I can’t wait to take my netbook home and use it in the future.

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